I was laying in bed, trying to go to sleep, and all I could think about was why food is such a difficult obstacle for me to overcome. Why is it that everything revolves around food? Why is it that we let it control us so much? How do we stop the madness?
Food is so heavily involved in everything that we do. Yes, we need food to live. No, I don't want to be anorexic or anything like that. I am just trying to understand why it is that food has so much power over us. In our culture food is everywhere. You want to go out with your significant other, you go to dinner. You watch a movie or a TV show, you have a snack. You get together with a friend and go to lunch. You are upset you eat ice cream and chocolate. Its disgusting how much we stuff ourselves with food. We go so much further than what is needed. Then we sit around and wonder why we as Americans are fighting obesity. Its an obvious answer, we eat too much!!
I know its simple, you don't eat all the junk. Make healthier choices and eat only what your body needs and you lose weight, you typically live longer and of course a healthier life. I just don't understand why in the heck we made food such a focal point of our culture. I know I can't change the American culture and I'm not looking to. I am looking to make a lifestyle change for myself. Yet, its is so very difficult when food controls so much of our daily activities.
So, what do you do when you are constantly surrounded by the poor food choices? What do you do when you are so conditioned to eat more than you should? How do you stop the cycle? How is it that you teach yourself to be satisfied with the small well balanced meals instead of McDonalds and ice cream?
I am struggling with this sooooo much right now. I am an emotional eater, when I am happy I eat. When I am sad, I eat. When I am bored, I eat. I am trying to figure out how to break this vicious cycle. Give me your advice and input on how you stopped the madness and how you are fighting this food epidemic we are faced with everyday.
I tried to post this a few minutes ago, but it didn't post.. So I'm trying again......
ReplyDeleteFood addiction is like any other addiction, drinking, sex, etc. The simple premise of an addiction is that it is something we feel we can not live without. Can we live without chocolate? Yes, although I think Hershey Company would say otherwise! Yes, we do need food to live, but we must do so in moderation. And, when we get rid of the bad, we have to replace it with something good, otherwise we leave the door open for relapse.
You have done the first step in kicking an addiction.. admitted it. Surround yourself with people who are willing to put themselves out there and say, ya know, Tabitha... you really should have a granola bar instead of that chocolate muffin.
I hope I am not offending you in any way. If so, please delete this post and I promise no hard feelings.